Caldon Revisted

In 2009 we took a trip down the Caldon. It was a very wet experience and although we appreciated the scenery we cut short the trip promising to visit again when the weather was more kind. We hope that this week is that long-awaited opportunity. With high pressure over the British Isles it looked like we might manage our return.

Today we left Aston Marina and travelled north through Stone. With the warm weather, and the canal-side windows open,  we were able to see that the former Joules Brewery building is now a high tech manufacturing facility.

Canal Cruising base at Stone

Joules Brewery Building, Stone

The Brewery is now a home for CNC Manufacturing

The weather was fine as predicted but a little cloudy. As we passed through Stone we discovered that Cutter the delightful tug that we met at Ellesmere on the Llangollen was moored up. Presumably its home mooring.

Martin Fuller's Tug Cutter
Just above Roger Fuller's Yard the butty and motor belonging to the Paramours were on their usual mooring. 

 Paramour's Boats at Stone
No matter how many times you pass along a stretch of canal there is often something that catches your eye that you wonder why you didn't notice it before. This time it was the use of side weirs inside locks on this stretch of the T&M. 

A side-weir inside a lock, Meadford flight

We stopped off for lunch at Barlaston and in bright sunshine reached Stoke. As we travelled out of Barlaston a walker inquired about Albert's engine and we promptly had a discussion about Rustons. It turned out he was planning to get hold of a boat with a Ruston engine. He appeared to like the idea of a 2VSH. 

A bad case of Japanese Knotweed on the Stoke Flight
(This alien invader needs treating!)

We reached Etrutria around 5:00 PM and moored up by the wharf. James Brindley watched over us!

Flint Mill, Etruria
Intriguing lock-side mason's marks, Etruria
James Brindley looking over Albert, Etruria Wharf, Caldon Canal